
My plans for the future are simple and humble. Rather than chasing the next big hype, I am energized to make a positive difference in the lives of people around me. I will participate in various projects that will make the world a better place. To find the right projects, I assess whether they align with my "ikigai" - a Japanese concept which roughly translates to reason for being.

Exploring my ikigai

ikigai illustration

Reason for being

What is my reason for being?

Things I am good at:

asking questions, making sense, explaining complexity, brainstorming, strategy, research, meditation

Things I love:

family, friends, philosophy, sunshine, nature, geometry, stories, music, dancing, exploring ideas

Things I get paid for:

community building, copywriting, research, quality assurance, customer care, user support, DJ

Things the world needs:

freedom, wisdom, peace, love, clean energy, food, water, good governance, trust, transcendence

Follow the flow

As an independent freelancer I have worked with various organizations in areas such as sustainability, spirituality and blockchain technology. I have gained extensive experience with community building, and I developed a passion for communication and content curation. You can hire me as:

Communication consultant

Personal coach



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